Do not be fooled by the pretty blossom. It may be spring, but in Edinburgh today, it might as well be autumn, going on winter. Yes, more weather related complaints from me. Fear not, help is at hand, in the shape of warm layers, gloves, a scarf, hat and that all important pair of warm socks. I first heard about Archiduchesse chaussettes last week, whilst watching the lunchtime news on France 3. I only caught the latter part of the report, but having since done a bit of research, gather that their socks were recently ripped off by a company in China. Counterfeit versions of their beloved made in France socks were doing the rounds on the net. The bone fide site and blog is here, where socks in 4 different varieties and children's tights can be found; all colours of the rainbow are well represented. The owners tell the tale that when starting out with their sock venture, their goal was to produce socks to match their Converse. Nice USP. Mine are to match my photo.
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