Friday 27 July 2012

a summer break #1

We left the soggy isle where we currently live a week ago and have taken refuge in our holiday home in the Languedoc-Rousillon (top photo). The Olympics, for us, will be watched from here, for the the time being. Things I have been enjoying this last week:

- no rain and proper summer heat (though not sure the temperature above was quite right...
- rediscovering dad's old art in the house
- tasty local fruit and vegetables
- dips in our new paddling pool (trois boudins)
- hiding from the hot sun under a fragrant fig tree
- fig and melon shower cream (almost as fragrant as the real thing)
- an aubergine caviar, camembert and emmental pizza, from the pizza van

Just a few more simple pleasures.


  1. Lucky girl ;) That's a fabulous region.
    Whoa ! 67°???

    1. It's hard to believe I left there less than a month ago. In Edinburgh today we have had monsoon-style rain, hail, thunder and lightening - the works, quoi. Re the 67 degrees, it was hot that day, but I think the pharmacy thermometer was a bit out...


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Pas Mal by Sylvie Docherty is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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